Cold Email Lead Generation Playbook

When many people think about email marketing, they think about sending 10,000+ emails per day, shiny HTML email templates, and bulk email marketing platforms like Mailchimp.

But this way of email marketing only works in certain cases, when you have a strong sender reputation, high quality of email content and explicit consent from your recipients to send them marketing emails.

If you don’t have any one of the above, 80% of your marketing emails will go to SPAM and only 5%-15% will be opened.

But does it mean email marketing is only for big businesses and established brands? Absolutely NOT!

That’s why we created an Ebook to help small businesses, start-ups, freelancers and solo entrepreneurs. In this Ebook, you will find cold emailing best practices, tips and tactics to get new leads for your business.

    In this Ebook you will learn how small businesses, freelancers and start-up companies can use cold email marketing tactics to land their emails in INBOX, get people to engage with them, and drive steady lead generation with cold emails.

    We will start by looking at how spam filters work and why certain emails get trapped in SPAM. Then we will look at technical aspects of improving your deliverability. Next, we will give you a few tips to write better engaging emails and subject lines.

    Finally, we will look at how you can put it all together to run cold email campaigns for lead generation.

    Contents of the Ebook –

    1. Why marketing emails can get stuck in SPAM
    2. How to bypass spam filters
    3. Cold / drip email automation
    4. Warm up your email account
    5. Subject lines that get attention
    6. Writing truly engaging cold emails
    7. Monitor email deliverability
    8. Gmail + FUZEN for cold email lead generation

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